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01 May, 2019

Home working allowance during the Corona crisis

Thuiswerkvergoeding tijdens de coronacrisis

Due to the large increase in homeworking as a result of the corona crisis, the ruling commission (the commission that concludes agreements with companies on the application of tax laws to a particular situation) has established a fast-track procedure for ruling requests relating to homeworking allowances.

When an employee works from home, the employer can grant the employee a lump-sum reimbursement of expenses to cover his or her costs for setting up a 'home office', such as electricity, central heating, office supplies, paper, insurance, etc.

When all conditions are met, these lump-sum reimbursements are exempt from tax and social security for the employee and tax deductible for the employer.

Accelerated ruling application

In order to obtain certainty about the tax treatment and the amount of this homework allowance, the taxpayer can apply for a ruling from the ruling commission. 

As many employers are forced by the crisis measures to adopt a policy on homeworking, the ruling committee wants to relax the procedure for applying for this.

Through a fast procedure, employers can now obtain a 'coronaruling for homeworking'. This gives a net allowance of EUR 126.94 per month for each employee working from home, regardless of job category. 

Please note that, unlike a traditional ruling (which is valid for 5 years), this 'coronaruling' is only valid as long as the crisis measures are in force, starting from March 18th 2020. 

So, do you want absolute certainty about the non-taxation of the home-working allowance you pay out? Then do not hesitate. In times of crisis, Payflip also does its bit and does the ruling application completely free of charge for every SME. 

You simply leave the information required for the application and we will do the rest!