We have already explained what a cafeteria plan is, how to create and spend a budget and what the regulations are regarding cafeteria plans. But…
A bonus is the perfect way to reward employees for going the extra mile. But one bonus is not like another. The employee traditionally sees more…
More and more SMEs are exchanging the traditional cash bonus for tax-friendly alternatives. We have already discussed the wage bonus. The profit…
The concept 'cafeteria plan' is much appreciated by Belgian employees. Last year, De Tijd newspaper reported that the number of employees who use a…
When a software developer, marketer, consultant or other 'creative' employee creates copyrighted works, the copyrights in principle belong to the…
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When a software developer, designer, marketer, consultant or other 'creative' employee creates copyrighted works, the copyrights in principle belong…
Do you sometimes wonder why your net wage is so much less than your gross wage? Or why employers often complain about the high 'labour cost' of…
Dinner with customers? Use of own mobile phone or laptop? Home office? You name it! These are just a few examples of costs that are often reimbursed…
At the beginning of June, the Belgian government already introduced the famous 'corona consumption cheque (CCC)': a new, but one-off, method of…
Mobility Budget completely misses the start, was the headline in De Morgen last week. The figures don't lie, at SD Worx there were only 15 people who…
Flexible rewarding is still very underused among Belgian SMEs. Many companies are simply insufficiently informed about the possibilities that exist…