Flipped good blogs!

Wat zijn de voordelen voor de werkgever bij een fietsleasing 1
What are the advantages for the employer with bicycle leasing?

Separately or in combination with a company car, mobility allowances or alternative mobility, it is also becoming increasingly popular to allow your…

Cafetariaplan een heel gedoe voor een kleine KMO 5
Cafeteria plan: a big hassle for a small SME?

Alternative remuneration, and specifically the cafeteria plan, is on the rise. In the corridors, it is even called the HR trend of the coming years.…

Hoe overtuig ik mijn manager van een cafetariaplan
How do I convince my manager of a cafeteria plan?

Cafeteria plans are the talk of the town, that much is certain. In the corridors, it is even being called the HR trend of the coming years. But how…

Paritaire comités en cafetariaplannen een match
Joint committees and cafeteria plans: a match?

The popularity of the cafeteria plan continues to grow at a rapid pace. The opportunity to finance bicycle lease in a tax-friendly manner with the…

Community day
This was our Community Day

A few weeks ago I posted this goofy video on my personal LinkedIn profile to announce that we are looking for software engineers to join the Payflip…

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Flexibel verlonen
Het voordeel van alle aard
The advantage of all kinds... a classic on the pay slip

Benefits in kind (VAA); you will have seen them on your pay slip anyway. But what exactly are VAA, and how are they taxed?

Working Payflip this how it works
Working @ Payflip: this how it works

In January 2021, Ludovic joined the Payflip team as its very first employee. Six months (and a lockdown) later, we are listening to Ludovic to find…

Vernieuwde mobiliteitsbudget een stand van zaken 1
Renewed mobility budget: a state of affairs

In a frantic attempt to solve the mobility problems in Belgium, the government will soon launch a renewed version of the legal mobility budget. This…

De nadelen van een cafetariaplan
The disadvantages of a cafeteria plan

Every downside has its upside. Whereas in our previous blog post we extensively the benefits of the cafeteria plan discussed in our previous blog…

De voordelen van een cafetariaplan
The advantages of a cafeteria plan

We have already explained what a cafeteria plan is, how to create and spend a budget and what the regulations are regarding cafeteria plans. But…

Flexibel verlonen
Wage bonus: What you see is what you get!

A bonus is the perfect way to reward employees for going the extra mile. But one bonus is not like another. The employee traditionally sees more…