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Wat is de total cost of ownership van een bedrijfswagen
What is the total cost of ownership of a company car?

The three-letter word 'TCO' dominates the company car policy of an increasing number of companies in Belgium. And that is no surprise. With the…

Wat is een eindejaarspremie
What is an end-of-year bonus?

The end-of-year bonus, also called thirteenth month, is a 'little extra' (= extra pay) that the employer pays to the employee in cash.

Een klassieker in salary land de hospitalisatieverzekering
A classic in salary land: hospitalisation insurance

The COVID-19 pandemic has put the importance of health and well-being on the global map for companies. As we all work more and more from home, both…

Wat is een ambulante kostenverzekering voor werknemers
What is an itinerant cost insurance for employees?

The COVID-19 pandemic has put the importance of health and well-being on the global map for companies. As we all work more and more from home, both…

Nieuwigheden voor de toekenning van een loonbonus in 2022
New features for the award of a wage bonus in 2022

On 22 February 2022, a new 'wage bonus' CLA 90/4 came into force. What does this mean for you and the wage bonus you might have had in mind?

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Een concreet voorbeeld van een goed cafetariaplan
A concrete example of a good cafeteria plan

Most HR managers have heard of a cafeteria plan? But what is the impact in practice for my employees? And what does it actually look like in…

Wat zijn aandelenopties voor werknemers
What are employee stock options?

There are two common ways to distribute stock options to your employees: Stock options (of your own company)Warrants

Mobiliteitsbudget en de voorwaarden voor de werknemer 1
Mobility budget and conditions for the employee

With a mobility budget, you can finally offer your employees a good alternative to the company car. You can read exactly what the mobility budget…

Mobiliteitsbudget en de voorwaarden voor de werkgever
Mobility budget and conditions for the employer

With a mobility budget, you can finally offer your employees a good alternative to the company car. You can read exactly what the mobility budget…

Wat is het mobiliteitsbudget
What is the mobility budget?

The mobility budget is the alternative to the company car.  Employees and employers who choose the mobility budget can spend the entire budget that…

Hoe ziet de toekomst van de bedrijfswagen er uit
What does the future of the company car look like?

The company car remains extremely popular in Belgium. In 2019, the company car's share in Belgian car sales was no less than 57%. So the working…