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Zero Friction prepares for growth with flex reward packages

Zero Friction

Zero Friction, an innovative company focused on simplifying billing and customer interaction for urban heating and cooling providers, recently made a significant step in their HR policy. We spoke with Janne, an HR professional at Zero Friction, about their experiences with the Payflip Flex plan.

Why did you decide to introduce flexible pay?

"It was part of a broader professionalization of our company. We wanted to implement a new salary policy and packages that align with our growth ambitions. We grew from 25 to 34 employees last year and plan to add 12 more this year. So, it was crucial for us to think this through carefully."What three words best describe Payflip? "Optimization, intuitive, and an energetic company. I especially appreciate how Payflip always stays up to date. I even share their e-books with HR colleagues at other companies!"

Are you satisfied with the plan's impact?

"Absolutely! It has had a significant impact. Our employees are very happy with Payflip. We're so pleased with the feedback from our employees that we've included it in our Employer Branding and immediately discuss it in the first job interview. We quickly noticed that candidates received this positively."

How would you define a successful plan?

"For us, it's successful if it helps with recruitment and retention. In our sector, few companies have a cafeteria plan, so it really gives us an edge. Recently, when hiring a Senior Developer, we noticed how it helped meet the candidate's needs."

What is the future of the flexible pay plan?

"We are very positive. It fits perfectly with our growth plans for 2024. We focus on attracting motivated talent and a well-developed onboarding process because we want employees to start with a good feeling and stay motivated for a long time. For example, the first day as a 'Friction Fighter' starts only in the afternoon. The morning is used to prepare calmly, with a breakfast we send and a personalized 'Your First Daily Paper' newspaper. Additionally, we want to compensate employees as comprehensively as possible, where the Payflip Flex plan plays a crucial role. The tool's appearance fits well with us and helps us maintain our company culture as we grow."

Last but not least, do you have any tips for other companies considering flexible pay?

"Definitely! Two, in fact:(1) Communication is key. Make sure you clearly communicate with your employees about the benefits they can get from their extra-legal benefits. Regarding Payflip, we actually receive very few questions because everything is so clear via the platform.(2) Keep innovating. Don't be afraid to optimize your package from time to time. For example, we also added a mobility budget via Payflip this year, which immediately made a difference."

It is clear that Zero Friction has made a valuable addition to their HR policy with the Payflip Flex plan. With an engaged professional like Janne at the helm, who has an eye for both details and the bigger picture, the future of flexible pay at Zero Friction looks promising. It shows that even in a niche market like urban heating and cooling, innovative HR solutions can have a significant impact on employee satisfaction and company growth.

Janne concludes: "We are thrilled that we chose to work with Payflip. It has really helped us prepare for growth and professionalize as an SME!"

Ready to introduce flexible salaries in your organisation?