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Mobility Budget : new TCO formulas from 01/01/2024

Recent changes to the Mobility Budget! Starting in 2024, mandatory TCO formulas will start circulating. Read all about it in our blog post.

Flexibel verlonen
Payflip 2
18.000 EUR flex budget in Payflip: what to do?!

As an employee at Payflip, I experience from the front row the magic of a flexible compensation plan among our clients' teams. But how does it work…

Afbeelding kinderopvang
The Power of Employee Benefits: Childcare as a Gamechanger

In a competitive job market, where organizations are in a constant battle to attract and retain talent, employee benefits in a pay package play an…

Shared mobility illustration
Shared Mobility - the future of flexible benefits

In an era where flexibility and sustainability are of paramount importance, 'shared mobility' or shared mobility has emerged as a significant change…

Payflip Event 10
Event Payflip 17/10 - the future of Belgian remuneration

On October 17, we brought together our clients, partners and other Payflip believers for an evening full of inspiration. The attendees witnessed an…

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Payflip 26
Payflip raises fresh capital to grow further in Belgium

Payflip has a bright summer behind it! Not only has the website been given a completely new look, it has also made real strides strategically.…

Ontdek de payflip tradities
Discover the Payflip traditions ✨

Meanwhile, just over 6 weeks have passed since my first day at Payflip. Time flies when you're having fun! In this blog post, I'd like to take you…

Nieuwste informatie mobiliteitsbudget
Latest information on mobility budget

The mobility budget has recently received an update! The official website on the mobility budget has recently published a number of updates and…

Cafetariaplan alternatief auteursrechten
Is the cafeteria plan an alternative to copyright?

You probably know it by now. Removing the option of copyright in the pay package can be a major setback for employees and employers. On the employer…

First two weeks at Payflip
What you can learn from my first two weeks at Payflip

Starting a new job can be both exciting and overwhelming. There are new people to meet, new tasks to learn, and new expectations to live up to. It's…

Flexibel verlonen
Beste moment jaar invoeren cafetariaplan
When is the best time in the year to implement a cafeteria plan?

Cafeteria plans are becoming more and more popular - some things just happen. Hence, SMEs are massively searching for answers to very practical…